the master's academy international

Our goal is to help establish a seminary program in Colombia so that it may become a TMAI member school and, Lord willing, a permanent institution for generations of believers (2 Tim 2:2).

The Master's Academy International (TMAI) is a Christian organization faithful to the authority of Scriptures, the centrality of the local church, and the priority of the gospel, and serves as a partner ministry of the Master's Seminary overseas.

TMAI is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by training indigenous church leaders to be approved pastor-teachers, able to equip their churches to make biblically sound disciples.

Click below for more information on TMAI.
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"I am convinced that TMAI is the greatest missions story of our time. This is a force utterly committed to biblical inerrancy and the exposition of Scripture. There is no other enterprise like it in the world of missions."
Dr. John MacArthur
Pastor, Grace Community Church
President, The Master's University and Seminary